Christmas time

Lt Immobili & Design

As tradition dictates, we are making efforts to decorate our homes for the holidays—garlands, candles, little houses, trees, lights. Depending on tastes, furnishings, space, and imagination, Christmas is entering our homes, and this December will be colored with celebration and joy. But how ...

LT Immobili & Design the tailoring of the houses

Lt Immobili & Design

We can describe our approach as almost 'meticulous' due to the meticulous attention we pay to all aspects related to real estate sales. Each home is managed uniquely, considering its characteristics and peculiarities, and adapting the strategy to the specific needs of our clients. In many ways...

Color is the poetry of the soul.

Lt Immobili & Design

Color is the poetry of the soul. October is the quintessential transitional month, the time when you use a quilt but also sandals. It marks the onset of the first cold, yet you almost regret leaving behind the cotton t-shirt and linen jacket. At the same time, you look around, and... Nature...
