the kitchen

Lt Immobili & Design

The kitchen, the focal point and heart of the home, because in this space, we gather, host our loved ones, relax, and why not, take care of ourselves. Many love to cook; it has become a cult today with a focus on choosing organic and quality products for dishes that are good for us, with great at...

the color pink

Lt Immobili & Design

Blush, pastel, vivid, subtle, delicate, graceful—the Pink, a color with a thousand facets and delicate tones, almost a neutral, breaking the intense hues that need softening. A color that is liked and disliked, with multiple faces. Yes, because pink in shades of blush, pastel, or antique bec...

special yellow

Lt Immobili & Design

From olive green, we move on to the warm and bright Ochre. A decisive, strong, and energetic color that is becoming increasingly prominent in furnishings, accessories, and wall colors. Yes, because a touch of energy amid neutrality brings balance and character at the same time, emphasizing the...
