According to data from the Bank of Italy, 4 out of 5 houses are sold for less than their market value (-11% of their value).
With LT Immobili correctly evaluate your home and sell it with an average of 58 days at the best market price.

How is it possible to sell a property quickly and at the best price?

The right valuation

No inflated prices or underestimated housing.
A FREE evaluation, stamped and signed, based on real objective data, carried out by real estate consultants specialized in the sale of ONLY HOMES.
A 7-step method designed to ALWAYS guarantee you the best selling price.

Real property value

We examine the market trend in the area where your property is located and the prices of houses sold nearby using only accurate and reliable data. This step, often underestimated, is essential to ensure a complete overview of the potential of the sale. According to the Bank of Italy, 4 out of 5 houses are sold for less than their value, and this is due to an incomplete preventive market analysis.

A potential clients' database

A database of highly profiled and really interested potential buyers: we have a direct line with people looking for a property, to drastically shorten sales times.
You can sell your house with an average of 58 days and at the best possible price. Consider that the average sales time for an area like Versilia is 148 days.
In 2021, we helped many families achieve their dreams.


With our Sold and Unsold home rating system.


Selling a house well and without risk
